Melissa and Sean beautiful wedding

Floral design - Flower bouquet

Wow!!! What a day we had capturing Melissa and Sean’s wedding day. With the wedding held at St Augustine’s church Skirlaugh followed by

the reception at Tickton Grange Hotel.

From the moment we arrived at Mandy and Ray’s home for Melissa’s bridal prep, everyone made us feel welcome. The first thing Melissa said was would you like a drink!! All hair done by Originals Hair Hull, and make up was well under way with Toni Neylon-Walker . Flowers by Ivy Lane, so let the fun begin…

Mel looks absolutely stunning! With the finishing touches to her make up being applied. We then went out into the garden for a quick photo with a glass of fizz. We are all laughing because of the lack of pop from the champagne cork lol.

After capturing a lot more images at the house we then made our way through all the Saturday traffic to get to St Augustine’s in Skirlaugh. Once we arrived the first person we came across was Reverend Andy Simpson, who immediately welcomed us with open arms (and a brew) there’s a theme starting here

With military precision Sean and his best men arrived in their Mercedes, provided by Tony and Dawn of Aston Wedding Cars To You.

The lads looking good and ready to go!!

Time for a wedding… Please remember this is only a sneak peek, so lots more to see once fully edited.

Here comes the bride and her father arriving in Aston wedding cars beautiful vintage Viscount.

The look, the look of love xxx

A few images from inside the church. Even the Reverend played his guitar for one of the hymns (a first for us).

A little surprise, two members of the family were outside to greet us (looked after by wedding woofers).

Images in the grounds before everyone went to the wedding reception venue.

After a short trip Melissa and Sean made their first journey as husband and wife, to Tickton Grange Hotel for their wedding reception.


With such beautiful grounds around Tickton, it would be a shame not to capture some memories to last a lifetime.

Finally time for the evening guests to arrive and let the party continue.

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Loughrill. 

It was our pleasure to capture your memories.


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